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The firm also used clamps on the title page of their catalogs, and in illustrations. First, a word about the typefaces. Limbert was part of a movement that had its roots in William Morris' Arts and Crafts movement. There was a reaction to the inhumane treatment of workers tending textile machinery. The ideal was of craft workers using tools to produce things of beauty and utility, rather than machines running workers.

This rejection of hierarchical industrial imperialism led to a rejection of the type faces we call Roman, rigid, angular, severe relics of the Roman empire.

Book 112

This is from the Title Page, which is not dated. Illustration from Title Page of Book 112

Now an examination of the clamps, which serve to emphasize the individual and his tools. The end spindle is clearly stopped, and has an appropriate shape to the handle. The middle spindle is clearly a through spindle. However, 1) the handle is not waisted, 2) the handle has no shoulder, and 3) it doesn't press against the jaw. Perhaps we can rationalize that the gap between handle and jaw indicates that the clamp is ready for use, not in use. And the lack of a waist and a shoulder might just be a lack of resolution, or artistic simplification. (Hey, it's a furniture catalog, not a blueprint!)
Worker using clamps during gluing operation

This is from the inside of Book 112, showing a worker using handscrews to clamp together boards while the glue dries. Here the middle spindle has a handle firmly against the jaw.

Book 119

This is from the Title Page, which is not dated. Illustration from Title Page of Book 119, showing a clamp

Several tools are shown against oak leaves in this elaborate device: planes, a chisel, hammer and mallet. The clamp has changed. Both spindles are through, with identical handles. I believe that these have metal threads, like those made by Jorgenson.

I wish that we could date these two catalogs. But, even if dated, we can't be sure whether the artist was drawing real tools used by Limbert, or generic tools of the day, or fancied tools of long ago.

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