Top of Site > Introduction > Research Resources > Codes: Makers of Wooden Clamps

Top of Site > Clamps as Products > Makers of Wooden Clamps (WC) > Codes: Makers of Wooden Clamps

Codes used for Makers of Wooden Clamps

US, Historical

AA = A and A

AL = Aldrich

AU = Auburn Tool Company

BL, BC, BM = Rufus Bliss, Bliss and Company, Bliss Mfg. Company, respectively

BN = Bancroft

BT = Buttrick

CH, CS = Chapin, Chapin - Stevens, respectively

CR = Craftsman
It is mostly likely that Craftsman is merely a brand name, used by Sears for clamps made by others.

DM = Dodge Manufacturing

DN = Denney Clamp

DS = Despres Dowel Manufacturing Company

GC = Gothauer Clamp Company

GR = Grand Rapids Hand Screw

GT = Greenfield Tool

HD, HR = Hood, and Hood and Rice, respectively.
There was no change when Rice joined the firm, so one set of pages covers both.

HM = Hempe

NR = Narragansett

ON = ONeil

RE = R and E Company

SN = Sandusky

SR = Sargent

ST = Stanley

WB = Webster and Butterfield

US, Modern

JHS = Jesse Sims

KXG = Kirt Grayson

PMR = Philip McRae, Square Peg Brand

UK, Historical


Other, Historical



NN = No Name

UK = Unknown

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